Entries by HCWG

Passing of the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill: A Crucial Step, But Challenges Remain

The Hate Crimes Working Group (HCWG) welcomed the passing of the Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill by the South African Parliament, and the subsequent signature of the president to ratify the Hate Crime Act. This legislation marks a significant step forward in our collective efforts to address and reduce hate […]

We are hiring a co-ordinator!

The Hate Crimes Working Group is hiring a part-time co-ordinator. To apply for the position, please email your CV to hcwgsa@gmail.com or samelovetoti@gmail.com For more information email us. COORDINATOR POSITION Part time Salary: R241 958 Duration: 20 months Location: Hybrid Deadline: 20th May 2024 Overview of HCWG Coordinator Position We’re seeking a candidate with strong interpersonal […]

Media Statement: Attack on Constitutional Laws

MEDIA STATEMENT: 25 01 2024 THE HATE CRIMES WORKING GROUP EXPRESSES OUTRAGE AT FORMER PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA’S COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY UTTERANCES ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGES AND THE RIGHTS OF LGBTI+ PEOPLE IN SOUTH AFRICA. The Hate Crimes Working Group (HCWG)* is appalled by comments made by the former President Jacob Zuma that attack the constitutional laws of South […]

World Refugee Day

Today is World Refugee Day. In 1951 the United Nations Refugee Convention declared that a refugee is someone who fled his or her home country owing to “a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.”1 Today, according to the United Nations’, is the […]

A Briefing Note: Criminalise Hate Crimes, not Hate Speech!

To view the original Statement, please CLICK HERE. The Hate Crimes Working Group is committed to building a democratic South Africa, based on the values of the Constitution and that celebrates diversity and difference. We are deeply concerned about the impact of hate speech on our society, building consensus and unity, and bridging and repairing […]

Let’s Face It – LGBTI Rights ARE Human Rights

The Scalabrini Centre have produced this great video which can be viewed below/ “We spent five months carrying a huge Rainbow Africa around Cape Town, looking for 1000 people to ‘face-up’ to equal rights for ALL, and get behind the statement ‘LGBTI Rights ARE Human Rights’. Because, sad to say, many people throughout Africa do […]

National Action Plan to combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

View the original article here: CLICK HERE South Africa was invited by the United Nations to host the Third World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (the Durban Conference), held in 2001. The invitation was extended in recognition of the struggle waged by the people of South Africa against the system of […]

Brexit, South Africa and Legal Redress

On June 23, 2016, the world was forever changed. A referendum deciding the membership status of the United Kingdom in the European Union took place, and despite warnings from senior UK government leaders, economists and even the then British Prime Minister David Cameron, a slight majority of the UK voted to leave the EU. In […]

Police brutality as a hate crime

Police brutality as a hate crime Police brutality against minorities, perpetuated by biases and prejudices held by officials, should constitute as hate crimes against the direct victims and their communities. Following the July 5th police killing of a 37-year-old black man named Alton Sterling, and the July 6th police killing of a 32-year-old black man […]

Race Bill Must Become Law Soon

This is an article originally published in the New Age: www.thenewage.co.za The Deputy Minister of Justice. John Jeffery, has quite rightly pointed out to the critics of the proposed bill to outlaw racism that other countries have similar laws like the German law that deals with the Holocaust denial and Rwandan legislation that criminalises the […]

Let’s Face it Campaign

This Human Rights Day Cape Town’s first Pop-up Pride to proclaim ‘LGBTI RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS’ Human Rights Day (21 march 2016) @ 11am Central Methodist Mission, Green Market Square, Cape Town This Human Rights Day, the Scalabrini Centre will be championing LGBTI equality and launching Cape Town’s first ever Pop-up Pride, getting 1,000 people […]

Labour Councillor Resigns Over Claims She Called Hitler ‘the greatest man in history’

To view the original article, CLICK HERE A Labour councillor resigned this morning over claims she posted a series of shockingly offensive anti-Semitic tweets. Among the most offensive remarks on Aysegul Gurbuz’s Twitter profile was a claim that Hitler was the “greatest man in history”. The discovery of the Luton councillor’s vile comments – revealed […]

Young lesbian woman murdered on her birthday

To view the original article, CLICK HERE The Love Not Hate campaign, a nation-wide multi-partner initiative addressing violence against LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people, is dismayed to report yet another senseless murder of a young lesbian woman. Lucia Naido, from Katlehong on Johannesburg’s East Rand, was stabbed to death on the night […]

14 Years for Racism Policy

Click Here to view the original article. It has already taken government 14 years to finalise its anti-racism policy, but in light of last week’s social-media outrage over racist utterances, the state is having yet another look at its anti-discrimination laws. Cabinet approved the publication of the draft national action plan to combat racism, racial […]

Climate of Hate Continues to Put LGBTI People at Risk

MEDIA STATEMENT CLIMATE OF HATE CONTINUES TO PUT LGBTI PEOPLE AT RISK While the end of December marks a time of family, relaxation and celebration for many South Africans, for two LGBTI people in Gauteng and the Western Cape, it saw their brutal murder. Within less than 10 days, Motshidisi Pascalina, a young lesbian woman […]

Stop The Hate – Alana Baranov

Alana Baranov, a member of our Steering Committee, wrote an article regarding the recent wave of racism in South Africa which was published in the Sunday Tribune newspaper on 10 January 2016. A copy of that article can be found here:  

HCWG Statement on the report of Parliament’s Ad Hoc Committee on Probing Violence against Foreign Nationals.

PRESS RELEASE HCWG Statement on the report of Parliament’s Ad Hoc Committee on Probing Violence against Foreign Nationals. The Hate Crimes Working Group (HCWG) wishes to express its disappointment with the report submitted by Parliament’s Ad Hoc Committee on Probing Violence against Foreign Nationals. The report is the outcome investigations by the Committee set up […]