If you wish to become a member of the HCWG you can apply using the form below. Please also upload your constitution or any other relevant document of incorporation. The steering committee will review your application and revert to you shortly. Full details of how members are accepted can be found in the “Terms of Reference”. There are two types of membership available.

Full Member – Individuals and organisations active and working in matters relating to Hate Crimes who agree to HCWG values and for whom there are no objections from existing membership. You will need to read and indicate your acceptance of our Terms of Reference before you will be accepted as a Member. Full Members have full voting rights.

Associate Member – Individuals and organisations whose work is not primarily around Hate Crime matters and who do not wish to attend all meetings and participate fully but who are interested in Hate Crime issues. Associate members have no voting rights.

Join the HCWG

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