South Africa: Agang SA Supports “Corrective” Rape, Murder Victim’s Family in Court

Another article written and published on which we thought we would share with you: CLICK HERE

Over 35 Agang SA members attended the bail hearing of the man accused of one of the most gruesome hate crimes in the history of South Africa. The murder of 26 year-old Duduzile Zozo in an alleged ‘corrective rape’ attack in March last year in Thokoza in Johannebsurg’s East Rand, shocked the nation.

Yesterday a 22 year old man appealed to the Palm Ridge Magistrate Court to grant him R1000 bail, the hearing being postponed to the 29th January.

Party spokesman, Thabo Leshilo said:

“We call for Justice for Duduzile Zozo. We hope the justice system does not fail her. Agang SA is acting in support of the family and to ensure that the values of the South African constitution are upheld: all the citizens have equal rights.

“Gay rights are human rights and homophobes who do not respect human dignity have no place in our communities”.

“The Zozo family and Duduzile’s best friend were grateful of our presence since we have been appearing at every court proceeding. The prosecutor refrered to Agang SA’s strong presence as indictaive of the seriousness with which the public viewed the case.”

“We will further support the Zozo family, until the man in question is brought to book.”