Hate & Bias Crime Monitoring Form
Hate crime data is gathered in South Africa by different organisations to address their unique needs. Unfortunately such a disparate approach impairs the presentation of coherent and conclusive data to Government. To address this shortcoming, the South African Hate Crimes Working Group (HCWG) developed a multisectoral monitoring form (the first of its kind, internationally), to capture data across several hate crime categories, including nationality, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity. By collecting information about the nature and impact of hate crime across sectors the Working Group aimed to ameliorate a major criticism of similar forms used in the UK, EU, Canada and USA and hoped to contribute to combating hate crime.
The need for a hate and bias crime monitoring form was identified to:
- Ensure the collation of available data;
- Ensure inclusivity;
- Increase government’s awareness regarding the types of hate crimes that are occurring;
- Improve future policy and strategies for addressing hate crimes; and
- Monitor the extent of hate crimes in the respective sectors.
The aim and objectives of the research included improved long-term monitoring of hate crime cases as well as an improved judicial response to hate crimes. The research project was concluded and a research report published (available here). Research findings have also been included in academic publications and presentations.
How to use the Hate & Bias Crime Monitoring Form
Piloting the Hate and Bias Crime monitoring form in South Africa – Preliminary findings:
Utilising the Hate and Bias Crime Monitoring Form:
The User Guide for the Hate & Bias Crime Monitoring Form:
Unisa Ethical Clearance Document
Example of Completed Form